Noah's Ark
January 2025 Parent Information
Happy New Year,
Don’t forget to pay using the new rates that went into effect January 6th, 2025.
Please read our policy regarding Dress/Outdoor Play:
Dress / Outdoor Play: The MN Department of Licensing has placed in its Child Care Program Plan Guidelines a requirement that children, weather permitting, participate in daily outdoor activities. Toddlers will go outside if the temperature, factoring in the wind chill, is no less than 10 degrees, preschoolers no less than 0 degrees. Your child should come dressed according to the weather. We strongly suggest tennis shoes and discourage sandals, open toed shoes, cowboy boots and dress shoes. During the winter months your child needs to have the appropriate outdoor clothing each day. These items include a winter coat, snow pants, boots, hat, mittens or gloves, scarf (optional). In addition to the clothes your child wears to the center, you must provide a second complete set of clothing to remain at the center. All items must be labeled. If your child’s class is going outside and they do not have the appropriate clothing the following procedure will apply: 1st time - a reminder note will be sent home. 2nd time - you will receive a reminder phone call from the director or your child’s teacher. 3rd time - you will receive a phone call by 9am. One hour will then be given to either bring appropriate clothing or pick up your child.
Don’t forget to look below at the 2025 closing dates and mark your calendar.
Monthly reminders from the Office:
Our cut off time to drop off children is 9:30am each morning. If your child has an appointment and will not be at school by 9:30am please check in with the directors. We are asking that toddler and preschool parents avoid dropping off any later then 10:00am due to an appointment unless you have spoken to Alise or Audrey.
If your child is going to miss a day please email or give us a call.
If your child has been diagnosed with a contagious disease please contact Alise or Audrey for next steps.
For those of you who are on Facebook go and like our Facebook page. (Noah’s Ark Child Development Centers Inc.)
Tuition Reminders:
Weekly tuition is due on Monday or Tuesday each week. Monthly tuition is due the first of each month. Please pay weekly tuition no later then Tuesday and monthly tuition no later then the first week of the month in order to avoid $20 late fee. If tuition is not paid your child will be unable to attend until your account is current. There are 5 weeks in the month of January. If paying monthly please 1 week of the old rate plus four weeks of the new rate. As always if you have questions regarding tuition please feel free to stop in the office.
Tuition is due regardless of absent, illness, or vacation days. If your child has been absent, tuition can be paid on the first day that your child returns to the center.
Subsidy Co-pays are always due every other week. This month there are two co-pays du1e. Please make sure your co-pay is paid by January 6th & January 27th.
Extra Curricular Activities
We will not be doing a winter session for Soccer Shots. The Spring season will begin Wednesday April 2nd! Enroll now for the spring session by reaching out to or by calling 651-300-0134.
Growing with music classes is for all ages. Classes are $8/week and meet on Tuesdays. Please let Audrey or Alise know if you are interested in signing up. Just a reminder that we are billed for music classes at the beginning of each month. If you no longer wish to have your child in music classes we need to know before the first of the month. January music tuition is $32.00.
Upcoming Events 2025
Dates Closed 2024/2025
Wednesday January 1, 2025- Closed
Thursday May 1st, 2025- Close at 4pm for staff development
Friday May 2nd, 2025- Closed for cleaning
Monday May 26th, 2025- Closed
Friday July 4th, 2025- Closed
Mon. Sept. 1st, 2025- Closed for Labor Day
Thurs. Oct. 16th, 2025- Close at 4pm for staff development
Fri. Oct. 17th, 2025- Closed for cleaning
Thurs. & Fri. Nov. 27th & 28th 2025- Closed